About Me

Misun Park is a 6th year Ph.D. student of Computer Science at Georgia Institute of Technology, advised by Ada Gavrilovska.

Research Interest

My research is centered on enhancing computational resource efficiency throughout the software stack, with a specific focus on AI workloads. This entails developing strategies to mitigate memory pressure, optimize memory bandwidth, minimize data redundancy, and reduce communication overhead. These challenges demand tailored solutions depending on the application’s nature, particularly in AI workloads, where the extensive use of accelerators introduces complex programming models and distinctive resource usage patterns. A comprehensive understanding of the interaction between host systems and accelerators, alongside synchronization and pipelining techniques, is vital for efficiency resource management. I am particularly interested in exploring the parallels and distinctions between optimizing traditional HPC and AI workloads, with a strong emphasis on refining the software stack. This includes focusing on optimizing memory bandwidth, computational efficiency, and communication layers.

Selected Publications


Work Experience


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